1. babe in arms
means: a babe in arms is a very young child, or a person who is very young to be holding position.
2. babe in the woods
means: a babe in the woods is a naive,defenceless,young person.
3. baby boomer
means:(USA) a baby boomer is someone born in the years after the end of the second world war, a period when the population was growing very fast.
4. back burner
means: if an issue is on the back burner, it is being given low priority.
5. back foot
means:(UK) if you are on your back foot,you are at a disadvantage and forcd to be defensive of your position.
6. back number
means: something that's a back number is dated or out of fashion.
7. back the wrong horse
means: if you back the wrong horse,you give your support to the losing side in something
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