Hi kawan kawan semua, I hope all's well with you, kali ini saya akan menulis tentang perbedaan Hope dan Wish. Walaupun dua kata kerja tersebut sama dalam arti,tetapi sama sekali tidak sama dalam gramatikal. Kata kerja Hope digunakan untuk menunjukan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi atau mungkin akan terjadi. Sementara kata kerja Wish digunakan untuk menunjukan sesuatu yang pasti tidak akan terjadi/belum tentu terjadi.Kata kerja Hope dapat diikuti oleh tense. Kata kerja Wish tidak harus diikuti oleh present tense. Pastikan bahwa anda memahami kalimat berikut dengan Wish dan Hope.
- We hope that they will come. (We don't know if they are coming.)
- We wish that they could come. (They are not coming.)
- We hope that they came yesterday. (We don't know if they came.)
- We wish that they had come yesterday. (They didn't come.)
Remember that wish is very similar to a contrary to fact or unreal condition.
Present unreal condition : If I were rich,I would be very happy.
Present Wish: I wish I were rich.
Past unreal condition: If you had been here last night,we would have enjoyed it.
Past wish: We wish that you had been here last night.
makasiih infonya